the people’s C r y p t o c u r r e n c y

What is Dogecoin?

An open source peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus worldwide

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choose your wallet

A Wallet is used for holding your Dogecoins directly on your Computer/Smartphone. Pick a wallet here

configure your wallet

After downloading, you can configure your walet according to our guide

get some dogecoin

You can buy them, trade for them, get tipped, "mine" them, and more they are suprisingly endless!


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MultiDoge is a "light" wallet. It syncs with the blockchain by "skimming" through the blockchain, providing fast sync times.

Dogecoin Core

Dogecoin Core, on the other hand, is a "full" wallet. It syncs by downloading it, providing a solid-working Dogecoin wallet.

Android Wallet

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Do Only

Good Everyday.

We believe that together, the key pillars that embody 'Do Only Good Everyday' will guide us forward as we make decisions and advance the Dogecoin ecosystem. The Dogecoin means: as a technical project and as a movement for good in the world. Be part of our awesome community:

The whale in question is an exchange, and so are most of the top holders in the Dogecoin network. As a matter of fact, the infamous largest whale is likely to be Robin Hood - which means it represents assets of tens of thousands of retails investors. Use Patrick’s thread … Read More…

Right now, and for the next hundred years or so, Dogecoin operates like, and will continue to operate like, most other crypto assets. “Capped” assets are nowhere near mined out – and will continue adding to their supply, just like Dogecoin, for the foreseeable future. Dogecoin’s … Read More…

Dogecoin does not need coin burning marketing mechanisms that new tokens and other chains have attempted to implement to artificially inflate their prices. Simplez.

Oh, yes it does - and it always has! Dogecoin’s primary purpose has always been to be used as a currency. Dogecoin was originally a fork of a cryptocurrency called Luckycoin - itself a fork of Litecoin. Billy Markus, co-creator of Dogecoin with Jackson Palmer, acted as a solo … Read More…

Oh yes it does, and it always has! The simple fact is that money has utility - and Dogecoin is money! Indeed, Dogecoin is one of the few cryptocurrencies that has been used for this main purpose from day one. Dogecoin was first meant to be a joke - and it served, and will serve, … Read More…

Memes are awesome, and they’re easy to make! There’s lots of meme maker websites, and even meme applications that you can install on your smartphone to makes memes on the run. You may even go one step further and create Dogecoin-themed meme templates which have a possibility of … Read More…

Miners and mining are at the center of Dogecoin’s Proof of Work consensus mechanism. Check these Dogepedia articles to understand what miners do, how they interact with nodes, and why mining pools come into play when it comes to mining: What is a miner? What is a mining … Read More…

Dogecoin’s history includes many charitable endeavours: from funding clean water wells in 2014 for Kenya, to the #TeamSeas initiative in 2021 – and many worthwhile causes in-between. The past year, though, has seen a dramatic increase in charities directly accepting Dogecoin … Read More…

Privacy is an interesting topic, and one in which Dogecoin community members are actively involved. For starters, it’s worthwhile acknowledging that every transaction on the blockchain is public. That is, it’s possible for anyone to see any Dogecoin transaction that has ever been … Read More…

Dogecoin is an open-source project, meaning that anyone with some technical know-how can contribute to Dogecoin’s technical development. Even if you’re new to the space, it’s never too late to learn new tricks! Dogecoin has an amazing team of developers and volunteers who are … Read More…

There are many ways to get your hands on Dogecoin: from exchanges, receiving tips, accepting Dogecoin for goods and services, and even from projects like Dogecoin Folding @ Home! Exchanges A popular way people get their hands on Dogecoin is via an exchange. There are many … Read More…

There are so many ways to get involved and support Dogecoin. From making memes and artworks – to educating people who are new to crypto: there are endless possibilities for you to get involved and to help the Dogecoin movement. A good place to start is by joining one or more of … Read More…

Find out more about Dogecoin


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